Stuart Beil
Chairman and Managing Director
B.Agr.Sc. (Hons), M. Agr. St., GAICD
Stuart is an experienced Senior Executive and Company Director. He is a founding Director of the Company and has been Chairman of GDP for the past five years. He is currently Chairman and Managing Director of Optivance Nutrition Pty Ltd.
He was formerly head of Commercialisation at CSIRO (Australia’s largest scientific research agency). He has successfully started-up, managed and restructured several companies. This included Chairing several boards, capital raising, negotiating and managing international joint ventures, driving company growth globally, establishing a culture geared for success and achieving an exit for shareholders.
While actively involved in the oversight of all company functions, Stuart has a functional focus in the areas of creating and managing the financial and governance systems, raising capital, managing shareholders and negotiating commercial agreements with strategic partners.
Anaru Edwards
Executive Director and Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
Anaru is a founding Director of the Company and a highly experienced sales and marketing professional. Responsible for the development of the Optivance brand from its inception, his key focus is the development of an authentic brand with a unique voice that consumers find relevant and engaging. He oversees the sales and marketing function across all markets and works closely with other members of the management team to ensure the development of innovative products that enable Optivance to build its reputation as a leader in the nutritional supplements market.
Anaru has previously held a number of senior executive roles as a multi-function leader through significant change including market leadership for Domino’s Pizza Australia and international expansion and public listing with the Colorado Group.
James Stephanos
Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
B.App.Sc (Env Health)
James is a founding Director of the Company and has a wealth of experience in food safety, production and regulation.
James has been responsible for managing production of the Optivance Infant Formula range, including managing supply chain logistics, manufacturing, final product quality assurance, warehousing, inventory management and fulfilment of customer orders.
His responsibilities also include managing new product development and manufacture of products to ensure adherence to the regulatory standards in Australia and overseas markets such as Singapore, China and the United States of America.
James has previously held roles advising the Queensland government on food management, manufacturing, production, safety and implementing food regulation. He has also been a key government adviser on the development and implementation of a national food safety system for Australian consumers and food business, including both the development of the Food Act 2006 (Qld) and The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.